
Brand Promotion Policies

These policies exist for one reason: to ensure that every FanFuel partner is treated fairly and that no one can market FanFuel brands with an unfair advantage.

All policies described below are network-wide and affect all partners on the FanFuel network.

Failure to comply with any of the below policies may affect your account status – resulting in either a temporary suspension or closure of the account.


1. Brand Usage Policies

As a FanFuel partner you are welcome to use the brand logo, product images and product names within your content. You can’t, however, do any of the following:

  • Use the brand name (or typos) as part of your website domain name
  • Use the brand name (or typos)  as part of your social media page or profile name
  • Use the brand name (or typos) as part of any email address
  • Pretend to be the brand in any way

For more information read the below which provides clarification on each of these points.

1.1 Branded Domains

No branded domains are allowed.

You must NOT use any FanFuel brands name anywhere within your domain name, including subdomains.

You must NOT impersonate the brand website, for example your domain name shouldn’t be a typo of the brand name like or

Banned domain examples (but not limited to):


1.2 Branded Social Profiles

No branded social profiles or pages allowed.

You must NOT use any FanFuel brands name anywhere within your social pages or profiles name.

You must NOT mimic any FanFuel brands social presence or pretend to be the official social presence of the brand.

Examples of things not allowed on any social media platform:

  • Using the brands logo as your profile picture or cover images
  • Using the brand name as your profile name
  • Using the brand name as a page or group name on Facebook
  • Impersonating the official brand page
  • Claiming to be the official social presence of the brand
  • Using the brand name as your handle on social media platform
  • Linking directly to the brand site from your bio

1.3 Branded Email Addresses

No branded email addresses allowed.

You must NOT use any FanFuel brands name anywhere within your email address whilst marketing FanFuel brands.

You must NOT pretend to be contacting potential customers directly as the brand, it must be clear that you are promoting FanFuel brands and are not the brand itself.

1.4 Pretending To Be The Brand

No pretending to be the brand.

Whilst we have covered the most common cases we see of partners misusing brand names across websites, socials and emails this is not an exhaustive list. Any marketing activity where you are pretending to be selling directly as the brand is NOT allowed.

If you’re unsure as to whether your advertising is in compliance with this policy, please contact your account manager or our support team. Contact details can be found on the FanFuel website or in your account.

2. Voucher Code & Cashback Policy

As a partner/affiliate you may not promote any FanFuel brands using voucher codes. Vouchers include all forms of discount code regardless of the language used when promoting ‘coupon codes’, ‘voucher codes’ or ‘discount codes’ are not allowed.

Voucher codes are NOT allowed to be used by FanFuel partners/affiliates.

To clarify:

  • Affiliates must NOT use voucher sites as a method for promotion.
  • Affiliate/traffic partner websites must add value, they should not exclusively focus on discounts and offers.
  • There should be no voucher related terms in titles, descriptions, alt text or urls of the partners website.
  • There should be no voucher related terms in any part of paid advertising copy or graphics.
  • Voucher terms can be mentioned in the page content itself. However, it must not encourage visitors to click to reveal the code or click to view the code on the official website.
  • Affiliates should not reuse vouchers found on the brand’s official website in any of their advertising.
  • Domain names (e.g. that focus exclusively on discounting and coupon codes cannot be used to promote FanFuel brands.

2.1 Discounts and promotions you can promote

Many FanFuel brands use discounted prices to encourage larger orders from customers. You can promote these offers in any of your advertising under the following conditions:

  • It must be clear that this offer isn’t exclusive to your website and is available on the brand website.
  • The promotion must be clearly explained and match the actual offer available on the website.
  • You must not be using the offers to encourage more traffic to your website or gain an unfair advantage over other FanFuel partners in Google search results.
  • You must not say that the only way to claim an offer is by clicking on your link.

This also applies to call to actions in your content.

Here are some examples that are NOT allowed: 

  • Click Here to Get CrazyBulk For The Lowes Discounted Price Online
  • Special Discount: Order Today With Best Price And Special Offer
  • (Huge Savings Deal) Click Here to Buy at an Exclusive Low Price Today
  • MUST SEE: We found an Amazing Discounted Price for CrazyBulk Here

And here are some examples that are OK to use: 

  • Big Savings With Multibuy Options
  • Shop on the Official Site Here
  • Great Savings When You Buy a 3 Month Supply
  • Click Here to Order PhenQ Today
  • The Only Place to Buy Online
  • Learn More About CrazyBulk Here

If you are unsure about any aspect of our voucher code marketing policy please contact your account manager or our support team. Contact details can be found in your partner account dashboard.

2.2 Cashback Policy

Partners CANNOT promote any FanFuel brands using cashback websites or any method of promotion that implies that by purchasing through you they will receive a partial refund or money or other rewards in return.

3. Pre-sell Policy

As a traffic partner, it’s important that you are adding value to brands that you’re working with. With this in mind, we have a few simple rules:

  • You must have a pre-sell for the product. This is content describing the product you are promoting and its benefits/features, ensuring that the claims you use are in line with what’s advertised on the official Wolfson Brands product sites.
  • In most cases, you are required to send traffic to the brand site from a landing page on your own website.
  • If you are using email, video or another channel where you feel you pre-sell without using a landing page, you must have the funnel approved by your account manager before starting your campaign.
  • You should not be sending traffic directly to the brand site without prior agreement from the FanFuel team. Exceptions can be made for email and paid traffic sources, but this must be discussed beforehand.
  • Your presell landing page cannot manipulate user behaviour, for example by redirecting them automatically to the merchant. Your visitors must choose to click on your affiliate link.
  • Any large scale creation of spam or duplicate content on your (or external) websites is not permitted. All content created by partners to promote FanFuel brands should be unique and add value.

If you are unsure about the quality of your advertising, please contact us or work with your partner manager to ensure the content is compliant with this policy.

4. Paid traffic policy

Paid traffic is allowed with pre-approval only.

All partners MUST contact FanFuel before starting any paid traffic campaigns.

All partners MUST get agreement beforehand if sending traffic directly to the brand website.

Partners must NOT bid on branded search terms including brand name and product names.

If you have a paid traffic opportunity you want to explore, contact us or speak to your partner manager for further advice.

5. Copyright policy

We have a zero tolerance approach to copyright infringement.

Simply put this means you must not, copy content, the design or images from any other website.

This policy applies regardless of whether a full page was copied or just a few sentences.

Any copying of content, even if it is paraphrased, is NOT allowed. Your content should be unique and created by yourself or your team in full.

The use of tools to scrape or spin content is a serious breach of this policy. All advertising used to promote FanFuel brands must be your own.

Anyone breaching the copyright policy will be given a final warning. They will be responsible for removing everything they have copied.

Should copyright issues be reported again, this will result in termination of your account.